On October 11, 1990, twelve people met in a home for prayer about the possibility of founding Redding’s first independent nondenominational Christian school. These same people committed to meet once a week for the purposes of prayer and planning.
The search was on for a facility to house the school. Finally, on January 28, 1991, after exploring many possibilities, the First Presbyterian Church of Redding graciously agreed to house our elementary grades, and the First Baptist Church would become home to the middle school.
In February, a community/parent information night was held with one hundred ten people in attendance. The outcome was tremendous! Over one hundred students enrolled that very night!
The new parents and board members pitched in and began the adventure of renovating the facilities and getting them up to code for a school. What a job! But many hands indeed made light work.
In November of 1990, we became officially incorporated through the State of California, and in August 1991, we opened our doors for the first day of school and welcomed 165 students!
Growth continued rapidly, eventually forcing us to look for larger facilities. Neighborhood Church of Redding became our next gracious host and when school began in August of 1995, we were ready at our beautiful new location with grades kindergarten through eighth finally on one site with 295 eager students.
In December of 2001, North Valley Baptist Church approached us with the possibility of Redding Christian School starting a full high school at their facility. After weeks of prayer we decided that God was leading us in this direction. The Redding Christian School parents had been praying for a high school for a number of years, so this was indeed an answer to prayer for them. In August 2002, Redding Christian School opened the school year with 530 students in grades pre-kindergarten through twelfth, on two campuses. We were blessed by both facilities who hosted our students until the end of the school year in 2009. A beautiful campus in Palo Cedro would be the new home of Redding Christian School allowing us to have all students on one campus.
The move to the Palo Cedro campus proved to be a great step for RCS and over the last several years the school has flourished. We have added a Preschool Program, AP and college credit courses. We rebranded, replaced the gymnasium floor, added a football program, a tennis team and a track and field team to the athletic offerings and created a new website.
We have truly experienced God’s hand in guiding the formation of Redding Christian School from its very inception. We see His fingerprints on our current activities. We continue to seek His guidance as we make plans to continue moving Redding Christian School forward.