School Board
“To preserve the past, assess the present and prepare for the future.”
Our 2024/2025 Board Members are:
- Melissa Foster – Board Chair
- Barbara Rogers – Vice Chair, Treasurer
- Nikki Rose -Secretary
- Ryan Yamane – Treasurer
- Jim Bartow – Member
- Scott Luff – Member
- Julianne Yamane – Member
- David Dinius – Member
The members of the Redding Christian School Board are passionate about Christian education and have a heart to serve God in the ministry of RCS. Each board member feels clearly called by the Lord to serve and it is their heart’s desire to follow His guidance in all areas to ensure that the school will be spiritually and academically excellent. Therefore, the board feels that their primary responsibility is to pray for the school. They meet twice a month: once for business and once for the sole purpose of prayer.
RCS Vision Statement:
“To follow the Lord in all areas, be spiritually and academically excellent, and be the premier Christian School in California.”
Mission Statement:
“Our mission is to provide a Christ-centered education which challenges students to develop a life-long love of learning, to grow in their faith, and to respond to God’s call of service to their families, their communities, and the world.”
The RCS Vision and Mission Statements guide the Board’s goal setting and strategic planning. The members of the School Board are also given the responsibility for the establishment, guidance, and spiritual leadership of the school. The Board is the policy setting body of the school and they work closely with the school Administrator, who has the responsibility of implementing the policies and daily operations. The Board operates under the school’s Bylaws and Policy and Procedures which reflect the school’s core values and also fulfill the Vision and Mission Statements. The school’s Bylaws dictate that there will be no more than nine members.
Areas of Responsibility for the School Board
- Serve as spiritual leaders of the school, waiting upon God for His direction.
- Establish policies for operation of the school.
- Employ competent personnel whom they will hold accountable to implement the policies of the school.
- Provide necessary buildings, equipment, and supplies.
- Establish the annual budget and the method of financing the school.
- Assist in communicating the mission of the school to the community.
- Establish a long-range plan for the school.
- Assist the administration in maintaining a good working relationship with other Christian schools, the State Department of Education, local school agencies, and ACSI.
- Act as final authority on issues arising within the school that are not resolved at the administration level.
- Maintain proper and open lines of communication among administration, faculty, staff, families, and host churches without violating the principles outlined in Matthew 18:15-17.
- Evaluate the school administrator.
We trust that this perspective on our governance structure is an encouragement to you and helps to communicate our foundational desire to steward RCS in such a way that the school will be an enduring and useful instrument of the Lord in preparing our students to be effective ambassadors for the Gospel of Christ. To this end, we ask that you continue to lift up the school in your prayers as we seek the Lord’s blessing. Our desire is to continue to look to Him in a spirit of humility and dependence, understanding that we cannot begin to achieve our mission without His blessing.
Board meeting minutes, covenants and our complete Policy and Procedure manual can be found in the RCS office.